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Solide et de bonne qualité, je suis satisfaite! Je n'ai pas eu l'occasion d'essayer c'est un cadeau aussi! (rire) étonné du prix si bas ! Je recommande
Zuerst war ich skeptisch, als ich das Ass Grommet von MEO bestellt habe, aber nach ein paar Tagen Gebrauch bin ich überzeugt: Das ist definitiv das beste Produkt zur Analdehnung, das ich je ausprobiert habe!
Zunächst einmal das Material: Solides Silikon mit einer samtigen Oberfläche, die sich unheimlich angenehm anfühlt. Dank dieser Oberfläche ist das Einführen einfach und der Plug bleibt sicher an seinem Platz. Der Plug rutscht nicht heraus, was für mich ein großer Vorteil ist. Die Kombination aus Komfort und Effizienz hat mich wirklich beeindruckt.
Auch das Design ist top. Er ist anatomisch perfekt geformt und kann sogar beim Schlafen getragen werden. Und für diejenigen, die sich fragen, ob es für Anfänger geeignet ist: Ja! Das Ass Grommet gibt es in vielen verschiedenen Größen, was toll ist, denn es ist für jeden etwas dabei, egal ob man gerade erst mit dem Anal Stretching anfängt oder schon fortgeschritten ist.
Das Gefühl, so geöffnet und entblößt zu sein, ist unbeschreiblich und die Erfolge sind tatsächlich schon nach kurzer Zeit sichtbar. Das war für mich das Beeindruckendste. Das Gefühl und die sichtbaren Ergebnisse machen dieses Produkt zu einem richtigen Hit.
Als zusätzliches Extra gefällt mir die Möglichkeit, das Ass Grommet mit einem passenden Stöpsel zu verschließen. Das gibt mir die Flexibilität, je nach meiner Stimmung und meinen Plänen für den Tag zu entscheiden, ob ich mich weiter öffnen oder verschließen möchte.
Abschließend kann ich sagen, dass das Ass Grommet meine Erwartungen übertroffen hat. Es ist nicht nur ein Produkt zur Analdehnung, es ist ein Spielzeug, das man lieben wird und das den Komfort und die Ergebnisse bietet, die man sich wünscht. Vielen Dank an MEO für dieses fantastische Produkt!
MEOBOND kodelås med elektronisk tidsindstilling til bondage & ky
Vil du gerne udleve dine bondage-fantasier, selv når du er alene hjemme? Drømmer du om at være spændt fast, perfekt bundet, kneblet og fuldkommen viljeløs? Dette geniale produkt fra MEO gør det muligt at du lænker dig selv og først får mulighed for at befri dig, når tiden er gået - den tid du selv har valgt. (For helt ærligt: Du er jo dog den, der bedst kender dine egne bondage-fantasier - ingen kan gøre det bedre end du selv!). Med en MEOBOND tidslås kan du lade fantasien løbe linen helt ud! Lænk dig selv på plads i dark-room’en og mærk de andres liderlige berøringer i noget, der føles som en evighed. Eller lænk din partner fast om morgenen, før du selv forlader huset... Brug MEOBOND låsen sammen med vore aflåselige gags og kyskhedsbælter! Der er ingen grænser for din fantasi – men glem aldrig: Vores tidslås MEOBOND er helt døv overfor "venligst slip mig løs igen" ...
I've tried a leather hood but there was not enough "give" in it and found it too hard to get on and off.
This is the perfect hood to control my pathetic little slave.The spandex is perfect as it's easy to put on over his ugly little head and he remains in total darkness for as long as I wish. He can't see what I'm doing to him but, by heaven, he can feel it!
There's something truly captivating about the name ANALGEDDON. Beyond its playful yet provocative allure, the name represents so much more to me. It evokes a sense of exciting exploration, hinting at an experience that's sure to be explosive and unforgettable.
The combination of "anal" and "armageddon" is nothing short of genius. "Armageddon" itself signifies an epic event, a powerful climax, and when combined with the realm of anal pleasure, it promises an adventure that is both intense and groundbreaking. Every time I use the ANALGEDDON dildo, I feel like I'm embarking on a journey where boundaries are tested and new heights of pleasure are discovered.
Furthermore, a name like ANALGEDDON shows a boldness and fearlessness. It's not just another toy, it's a statement. It's for those who aren't afraid to dive deep, push boundaries and revel in the intensity of the experience.
In a world of generic names and ordinary experiences, ANALGEDDON stands out, beckoning the brave and adventurous. It's more than a name; it's an invitation to an extraordinary realm of pleasure.
Die Augenmaske hilft dem Träger, seine taktilen und akustischen Sinne auf das Wesentliche der erotischen Handlung zu konzentrieren. Dass er seiner Partnerin/seinem Partner uneingeschränkt vertrauen muss, ist natürlich die Vorasusetzung.
Echt guter Keuschheitsgürtel. Ich trage ihn den ganzen Tag und machmal sogar eine Woche lang am Stück. Es ist bloß schlecht wenn man einen Steifen bekommen will, das geht dann natürlich nicht. Aber so soll es ja auch sein.
pour des penetrations anales ou la personne desire etre tres remplie allez y! prepare tres bien a la grosse penetration anale, une de mes copines a désirer essayer deja par ce gode, et a priori elle a adoré!
One pin wanted to fall out, fixed with locktite, as this was a spot I didn't want to move. When I do manage to get the "Expandable & lockable butt plug" in my ass, and petals deployed and locked, it just will fall out in the toilet. I guess my opening is too well trained? I have another design locking/expanding butt plug that I am much happier with. So most of this is a fit issue. The pin falling out was probably just in the 5% manufacturing defects that occur in everything. Note: guys with flexible asses: this might not work well for you, or perhaps you can use it for anal weight lifting. I Don't Know (IDK).
Sex toys are amazing but they can also be an absolute pain to store. I personally admit to having given up on this endeavor for the most part. Discretion isn’t a must in my household as, as a result, there are sex toys sprawled out everywhere: on my bedside table, in my office, I even use some as decoration, or less-boring furniture, but I digress.
Despite my flippant approach to toy storage I do confess that it is good to have a safe, hygienic and discreet place to store away products. Whether you display your toys like me, or want to keep them as secret and safe as the one ring, a sturdy storage place is never an unappreciated asset. And if that storage space can double up as a washing system then all the better.
Enter the Joyboxx.
The Joyboxx is (to quote the company) ‘more than just a box: It’s a system’. The Joyboxx is specifically designed to house your most intimate items and, as such, it goes above and beyond the typical storage boxes available on the market. Meo were kind enough to provide me with one of these lovelies so that I could give it a test drive. So let’s explore this treasure trove together!
The Joyboxx Hygienic Storage System
The Joyboxx Hygienic Storage System is the result of ‘thinking inside the box’ in an unconventional way and was created by Passionate Playground. Creating a sex toy specific storage box might seem odd at first, but once you start thinking about what is currently available on the market it makes a lot more sense.
The Joyboxx is simple but effective.
While most of us have found makeshift ways to store our sex toys (or purchased other storage devices) these improvised storage solutions can be made out of wood, vinyl, fabric, metal or other types of plastic which may not necessarily be hygienic. Some could actually be porous and could cause a questionable outcome if slightly damp toys are stored in them. Others may react badly with the natural product material of your sex toy (though I should hope you are all using non-porous and body-safe products I know that this isn’t/can’t always be the case). Don’t get me wrong: I don’t want to scare you away from using conventional storage systems and materials, and neither does Joyboxx, but what Joyboxx does provide is a viable alternative that actively considers the specific storage needs of sex toys. To this end the Joyboxx has multiple features and design choices which are purpose-built for handling adult products. Smart, sexy storage. The material used for the Joyboxx provides just one example of this thoughtfulness. The Joyboxx is made out of food-grade, non-porous plastic which is PVC, BPA and Pthalate-free. Mixed into this plastic is an antimicrobial silver ion agent which assists in keeping toys clean and in creating a storage environment that is free from microbe growth (including bacteria, viruses, mold and fungus). I must stress: this doesn’t mean that the Joyboxx will lean your toys for you, nor that it’s self-cleaning, but it does provide a cleaner option than standard storage units. For those occasions where you do need to clean the Joyboxx it is dishwasher safe, or can simply be wiped or rinsed clean. The plastic material used for the Joyboxx feels sturdy and substantial but not overly bulky or cumbersome. The Joyboxx has been designed so that it will fit inside of most nightstands and drawers, and its exact measurements are 12.60 x 5.5 x 5.0 externally and 11.25 x 5.5 x. 3.5 internally. The Joyboxx has also been designed as a unisex item, so no one will suspect what it’s actually meant for. In fact I’d say it looks very similar to a lot of tool or arts & crafts storage boxes that you might find in your local DIY store.
Ventilation holes has been strategically placed on the Joyboxx to allow for moisture to eacape without excess dust finding its way into the box and on to your toys. Having stored some rather dust-grabby toys in the Joyboxx myself, I can say that it does do a really good job at keeping toys dust free, which is a great feature of the toy. This contrasts quite a bit with the standard plastic drawers that I have, which always leave some of my toys with a mysterious layer of dust and hair. In addition to this the Joyboxx has an area where USB cables can be slotted out to allow for discreet charging. This USB hole is actually quite sizeable so it should be able to allow most charging units through (and maybe even multiple cables, depending on how chunky they are). Store away your smaller items in the top section.
Keeping on the theme of discretion, the main compartment of the Joyboxx has a quiet, child-resistant sliding lock which allows users to easily slide and un-slide the Joyboxx shut. This lock also has a place for a padlock (provided with the Joyboxx) so that it can be securely fastened. In addition to this the Joyboxx actually has a compartment at the top of the box which doesn’t unlock and can be used to quickly store and retrieve items like condoms, cock rings or clit vibes. Alternatively Joyboxx suggest you put some everyday items (like receipts or nuts & bolts) in it to throw people off. This is a really good element of the box, but it does eat up some of the inner storage space. Having said that I usually don’t notice the loss. In addition to being a great storage device on its own the Joyboxx also comes with a divider which can be slotted in and out to organize the internal section. This divider isn’t just used for separating toys, though, and is actually one of Passionate Playground’s other products: The Playtray. Having the Playtray as an additional aspect of the Joyboxx is fantastic, and the Playtray provides a safe, clean space to place any toys that aren’t in use or to leave them out to safely dry. Personally I think this aspect of the Joyboxx alone makes it a worthy investment.
Now, I have a lot of toys so it would be foolish to assume that the Joyboxx could meet all of my needs but it does make storing some of my toys a heck of a lot easier and much more convenient than some other methods. The antibacterial element of the Joyboxx and the ventilation is really useful and we’ve taken to using it as an ‘Upcoming testers’ box of sorts.
That being said the Joyboxx does have one major flaw and that is its size. Yes, it’s convenient for easily slotting it away somewhere but it also means that most wands and larger dildos simply can’t fit in this box. My Lelo Wand just about fits (though not comfortably) but my Doxy has no chance. Because of this if Joyboxx were to expand their range I’d want it to be a literal expansion; a longer box (the ‘Wand Edition’) for all of us magical guys and girls out there.
Other than that there really isn’t anything to say against the Joyboxx. Like a bundle of sex toys placed in this product, the Joyboxx has got it covered.